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How Is Learning Gemara Religiously Meaningful? A Chareidi Perspective with Rav Gavriel Singer S3E1

How Is Learning Gemara Religiously Meaningful? A Chareidi Perspective with Rav Gavriel Singer

· 49:42

How should we understand the central role of the Talmud Bavli in Chareidi communities? What are the goals of the 'Ivies' of the Yeshiva World? How does intensive focus on the Gemara create a certain student and society? Rav Gavriel Singer pulls back the curtain in conversation with Rav Dovid Silverstein in the Season 3 Premiere of Tzarich Iyun.

Rav Gavriel Singer, Rebbe at Yeshiva Orayta, is originally from Philadelphia and currently lives in the Sanhedriya Murchevet neighborhood of Yerushalayim with his family. He studied in various yeshivot spanning from Netiv Aryeh, Mir Yerushalayim and Kollel Ateres Elimelech.  He also published a sefer on Masechet Makkot, Metzius Ish, and served as a Rebbe at Yeshivas Shaar HaChaim.

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Email us at oraytapodcast@gmail.com and we look forward to "continuing the conversation."

Music from "Ashreinu" by Omek HaDavar
Recorded in the Old City of Jerusalem at Yeshivat Orayta (orayta.org) | Facebook | Instagram

Creators and Guests

Rav David Silverstein
Rav David Silverstein
Rabbi David Silverstein is the Sgan (Assistant) Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Orayta, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, and previously served as the Director of the Overseas Program at Yeshivat Hesder, Petach Tikva. Originally from New Jersey, Rabbi Silverstein lives with his wife and four children in Modiin, Israel.


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