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October 7th & National Teshuva with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman [Israel at War, Part 6] S2E8

October 7th & National Teshuva with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman [Israel at War, Part 6]

· 47:25

Traditional Jewish theology understands that a national crisis can serve as a catalyst for collective reflection and teshuva. What can we learn from the horrors of October 7th? What national sins must be rectified moving forward? In this episode, Rav David Silverstein discusses these questions with Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman through the prism of his provocative and important article, "Is this war a divine punishment?"

Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman is a professor of Bible at BarIlan University and an Associate Fellow at the Shalem Center in Jerusalem. A graduate of Princeton University, Rabbi Berman received his rabbinical ordination from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel after learning for eight years at Yeshivat Har Etzion. He is the author of several books, most recently Ani Maamin: Biblical Criticism, Historical Truth and the Thirteen Principles of Faith (Maggid). He, his wife and their four children reside in Bet Shemesh.

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Music from "Ashreinu" by Omek HaDavar
Recorded in the Old City of Jerusalem at Yeshivat Orayta (orayta.org) | Facebook | Instagram

Creators and Guests

Rav David Silverstein
Rav David Silverstein
Rabbi David Silverstein is the Sgan (Assistant) Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Orayta, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, and previously served as the Director of the Overseas Program at Yeshivat Hesder, Petach Tikva. Originally from New Jersey, Rabbi Silverstein lives with his wife and four children in Modiin, Israel.


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