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Rav Kook's Orot HaTorah - Talking in Learning with Rav Dovid'l Weinberg & Rav David Silverstein S1E2

Rav Kook's Orot HaTorah - Talking in Learning with Rav Dovid'l Weinberg & Rav David Silverstein

Rav Dovid'l Weinberg and Rav David Silverstein consider the idiosyncrasies of Rav Kook's writing style and the reasons why his Torah isn't studied widely outside of Israel. Then, they open Orot HaTorah, Chapter 2 to understand Rav Kook's unique approach to "Torah l'shma" and embrace of every individual's personal encounter with Torah.

· 45:03

This month, we're excited to introduce an alternative format our podcast will take — another kind of 'Tzarich Iyun' discussion. We're calling it: Talking in Learning. Every other month, Rav David Silverstein will host a guest in conversation about a text of their choosing. We hope you enjoy the first installment of this series.

Rav Dovid'l Weinberg and Rav David Silverstein consider the idiosyncrasies of Rav Kook's writing style and the reasons why his Torah isn't studied widely outside of Israel. Then, they open Orot HaTorah, Chapter 2 to understand Rav Kook's unique approach to "Torah l'shma" and embrace of every individual's personal encounter with Torah.

Follow along inside at: https://www.sefaria.org/Orot_HaTorah.2/

Get notified about the release of Rav Dovid'l new book and receive a discount code: http://tiny.cc/OrosHaTorah/

Questions? Feedback? Have a topic you'd like to hear discussed?
Email us at oraytapodcast@gmail.com and we look forward to "continuing the conversation."

Background music from "Ashreinu" by Omek HaDavar.
Recorded in the Old City of Jerusalem at Yeshivat Orayta (orayta.org). 

Creators and Guests

Rav David Silverstein
Rav David Silverstein
Rabbi David Silverstein is the Sgan (Assistant) Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Orayta, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, and previously served as the Director of the Overseas Program at Yeshivat Hesder, Petach Tikva. Originally from New Jersey, Rabbi Silverstein lives with his wife and four children in Modiin, Israel.


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