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Ultra-Orthodox Jews and their Changing Relationship with the State of Israel with Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer [Israel at War, Part 4] S2E6

Ultra-Orthodox Jews and their Changing Relationship with the State of Israel with Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer [Israel at War, Part 4]

· 01:05:55

Israeli ultra-Orthodoxy has maintained an isolationist stance toward the general public in Israel since the State’s founding. In the aftermath of October 7th, however, segments of the ultra-Orthodox community have activated to support the war effort in unprecedented ways — including some 3,000 who have drafted into the IDF. In this episode, Rav David Silverstein is joined by Hareidi rabbi, leader, and activist Rav Yehoshua Pfeffer to discuss the evolving relationship between Hareidim and the State of Israel.

Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer, a rabbi and rabbinical judge, learned under Rav Asher Arieli and Rav Asher Weiss, holds a law degree from the Hebrew University, and clerked at the Israel Supreme Court. In addition to serving as the founding editor of Tzarich Iyun, a journal of Charedi thought (that shares the name of our podcast!), Rabbi Pfeffer directs programs for the haredi community in Israel for the Tikvah Fund, teaches on the law faculty of The Hebrew University, and is a community rabbi of Kehillat Ohr Chadash in Ramot, Jerusalem.

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Music from "Ashreinu" by Omek HaDavar
Recorded in the Old City of Jerusalem at Yeshivat Orayta (orayta.org) | Facebook | Instagram

Creators and Guests

Rav David Silverstein
Rav David Silverstein
Rabbi David Silverstein is the Sgan (Assistant) Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshivat Orayta, located in the Old City of Jerusalem, and previously served as the Director of the Overseas Program at Yeshivat Hesder, Petach Tikva. Originally from New Jersey, Rabbi Silverstein lives with his wife and four children in Modiin, Israel.


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